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Colin Jost Shocks White House Crowd with Bold Jokes on Cocaine, O.J. Simpson, and Praise for Biden



Biden and Colin Jost in one Frame.

It was the ultimate bash in Washington D.C., where big shots from politics, Hollywood, and the media mingled under one roof. President Joe Biden, along with the First Lady, rubbed shoulders with celebrities and top government officials at the prestigious White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Which held at the iconic Washington Hilton on Saturday night.

Colin Jost, the funnyman from “Saturday Night Live,” took center stage, armed with a mix of jokes. Further, targeting Trump, the media, and even some playful jabs at Biden’s age. Despite facing a tough crowd of journalists and politicos eager for a good laugh. Jost didn’t quite hit his stride until the very end, winning over the audience with his wit and charm.

From the glitz of D.C., Jost, accompanied by his wife Scarlett Johansson, brought his signature humor to the annual roast of the President. No one was safe from his sharp tongue, as he roasted everyone from Biden to Lara Trump. And even Senator Bernie Sanders, delivering punch after punch of comedic gold. It was a night filled with laughter, surprises, and a touch of Hollywood glamour, all wrapped up in the tradition of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

It was a grand gathering celebrating freedom of speech, where the President, alongside “Saturday Night Live” star Colin Jost, took aim at Donald Trump, the media landscape, and, a recurring theme of the evening, the age of the commander-in-chief.


The event brought together a diverse crowd, all eager to witness the playful banter and sharp wit directed at Trump and other prominent figures. From poking fun at the state of the media to light-hearted jabs about the President’s age, no topic was off limits as laughter filled the room.

As glasses clinked and laughter echoed, it was a night to celebrate the power of humor and the importance of speaking freely, all while enjoying the comedic talents of Colin Jost and the company of esteemed guests.

Just before the event kicked off, a large crowd of protesters had assembled outside the Hilton in Washington’s Adams Morgan neighborhood. Their goal: to challenge attendees and urge journalists to steer clear of the event altogether.

Voices echoed as demonstrators raised concerns about the tragic loss of journalists in Gaza amid the ongoing conflict. Holding up banners emblazoned with “Free, free Palestine,” they passionately chanted their demands for justice and peace.


Among the crowd, a smaller group directed their message specifically to President Biden, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s intense ground campaign in Gaza. Their voices joined the chorus of protest, amplifying the urgent call for action in the face of escalating violence.

People gathered outside the White House for protest in favor of Gaza while Correspondents Dinner.
People gathered outside the White House for protest in favor of Gaza while Correspondents Dinner.

As the evening progressed, President Biden stepped up to the podium, unleashing a barrage of jokes aimed at headliner Colin Jost. With humor aimed at Jost’s personal life, Biden quipped, “Clearly, you’re the funny one in the family,” eliciting laughter from the audience.

Turning his attention to the political arena, Biden didn’t hold back, taking playful jabs at his presumed opponent in the upcoming presidential race, Donald Trump. With a wry smile, he remarked, “My vice president actually endorses me,” drawing chuckles from the crowd.

Acknowledging the elephant in the room, Biden addressed the topic of his age, a central issue for many voters. With self deprecating humor, he joked, “Yes, I’m a grown man running against a six-year-old,” prompting laughter and applause from the audience.

Biden’s wit and charm captivated the room, adding a touch of lightheartedness to the evening’s festivities and showcasing his ability to poke fun at himself and his opponents with ease.


After President Biden’s brief stint at the podium, Colin Jost stepped into the spotlight, greeted by a room filled with Hollywood and Washington’s elite. However, his comedic performance garnered mixed reactions from the audience.

Acknowledging the importance of a free press, Jost began his routine, but his jokes failed to elicit uproarious laughter. With a self-aware quip about following Biden’s act, he humorously remarked, “I have to admit, it’s not easy following President Biden. I mean, it’s not always easy following what he’s saying.”

Despite his efforts, Jost’s humor seemed to fall flat with some attendees. His jabs at members of the audience, including a playful dig at Bernie Sanders, received only modest reactions. It was a challenging moment for the “Saturday Night Live” comedian, as he navigated the high expectations of the crowd and attempted to strike the right comedic chord.

Nevertheless, Jost persevered, delivering his punchlines with confidence, even if they didn’t always land as expected. As he wrapped up his time on stage, there was a sense of appreciation for his efforts, even if the response was not overwhelmingly enthusiastic.


Jost’s time on stage wasn’t a complete disaster, but it certainly had its share of awkward moments. Throughout his 20-minute set, there were noticeable stretches of silence as his jokes failed to land with the audience. His delivery often included too many pauses, seemingly waiting for laughter or applause that didn’t come.

One of the low points of the night was when Colin Jost attempted a joke about his “Weekend Update” co-anchor, Michael Che. He quipped, “My ‘Weekend Update’ co-anchor, Michael Che, was going to join me here tonight. But in solidarity with President Biden, I decided to lose all my Black support.” Instead of laughter, the room fell into uncomfortable silence, followed by scattered booing.

It was a clear misstep for Colin Jost, as the joke fell flat and left the audience uneasy. Despite his best efforts, he struggled to connect with the crowd, and his attempts at humor often missed the mark. While it wasn’t a complete disaster, it was certainly a challenging night for the headliner. As he navigated the ups and downs of live comedy in front of a tough crowd.

Despite the bumps along the way, Jost managed to salvage his performance by shifting gears. Towards the end, opting for heartfelt sentimentality over comedy. He shared a touching moment with President Biden, reaching out with sincerity.


Reflecting on his late grandfather, a firefighter who passed away the previous year. Jost drew a parallel between him and the president. He expressed that Biden reminded him of his grandfather, someone who had voted for the president in the 2020 election.

It was a genuine and touching moment, a departure from the comedic tone of the evening. Jost’s sincerity resonated with the audience. He offering a glimpse into his personal life and bridging the gap between performer and spectator. In the end, it was this heartfelt gesture that left a lasting impression. Which showing a different side of the comedian and bringing a sense of warmth to the event.

In a poignant moment, Jost shared a heartfelt reflection on the significance of decency. He tying it to the reason everyone had gathered for the evening. He spoke of his grandfather’s vote for decency, emphasizing its importance in shaping the world we live in today.

“Decency is why we’re all here tonight,” Jost asserted, highlighting how it enables us to come together. Which share laughs, and even poke fun at one another without facing dire consequences. With a touch of humor, he quipped, “Decency is how we’re able to make jokes. About each other and one of us doesn’t go to prison after we go to the Newsmax after party.”


Jost’s words struck a chord with the audience, underscoring the value of civility and mutual respect in society. It was a poignant reminder of the power of decency to foster unity and create a space for lightheartedness. Even in the midst of political and social differences.

In a heartfelt moment, Jost took a pause to reflect on the importance of being decent. So, linking it to the essence of the evening’s gathering. He shared a personal anecdote about his grandfather. Who he mentioned had voted for decency, illustrating how this value has shaped our world.

“Decency is the reason we’ve all come together tonight,” Jost declared, stressing how it allows people to unite. While share laughs, and tease each other without facing serious repercussions. Injecting a bit of humor, he joked, “Decency is what lets us crack jokes about each other without anyone ending up in jail instead. We head to the Newsmax after party.”

His words resonated with the audience, highlighting the importance of treating others with respect and dignity. It served as a gentle reminder of the power of civility to bring people together. Even amidst differing opinions and backgrounds. Jost’s sentiment added depth to the evening, emphasizing the value of kindness. While understanding in fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie.


The annual event stands as the primary funding channel for the White House Correspondents’ Association’s mission, as outlined on its website. This vital support fuels various endeavors, including the coverage of the U.S. president by journalists,. Which educational initiatives focused on the First Amendment and the importance of a free press. Further, scholarships aimed at nurturing the future generation of journalists.

Through the proceeds generated from this event, the association is able to sustain its efforts in promoting journalistic excellence. Further, defending press freedoms, and providing valuable resources for aspiring journalists. It serves as a crucial platform for advancing the principles of transparency, accountability. Also integrity in media coverage of government affairs.

By attending and supporting the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, individuals contribute to the ongoing work of the association. Which ensuring that it can continue to uphold its mission of serving the public interest through responsible journalism and advocacy for a robust free press.

