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Megan Thee Stallion accused of harassment by cameraman that she forced to watch her sex



Megan Thee Stallion attends the 2024 Planned Parenthood Of Greater New York Gala on April 16, 2024 in New York City.

A cameraman who used to work for Megan Thee Stallion claims that he was stuck in a moving vehicle with the rapper while she was having sex with another woman in a foreign country. He says this made him feel uncomfortable, so he’s taking legal action against her. He accuses Megan of creating a hostile work environment and harassing him.

Emilio Garcia, a former cameraman for Megan Thee Stallion, has taken legal action against the hip-hop star. He filed a lawsuit on Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court. In the suit, Garcia claims that following the purported incident where he found himself trapped in a moving vehicle with Megan engaging in sexual activity with another woman in a foreign country, he faced distressing treatment.

Garcia alleges that after the incident, he was cautioned not to speak about what he witnessed. Additionally, he states that he was subjected to verbal abuse, including being fat shamed and treated differently by Megan.

Photographer Emilio Garcia with Megan Thee Stallion.
Photographer Emilio Garcia with Megan Thee Stallion.

In the lawsuit, Emilio Garcia states that the harassment he experienced was incredibly intense and frequent. It reached a point where it made his work environment with Megan Thee Stallion hostile and unbearable.

The suit highlights that the harassment was so severe and constant that it created an abusive atmosphere for Garcia. This made his working conditions extremely difficult to tolerate.


Megan Thee Stallion’s attorney, Alex Spiro, responded to the lawsuit by stating, “This is an employment claim for money with no sexual harassment claim filed and with salacious accusations to attempt to embarrass her. We will deal with this in court.”

In essence, Spiro asserts that the lawsuit is primarily about financial compensation and lacks any formal accusations of sexual harassment. He also suggests that the accusations made against Megan are sensationalized and intended to cause embarrassment rather than address legitimate grievances. Spiro indicates that Megan intends to contest the claims through legal proceedings.

Roc Nation representatives did not provide any comments in response to requests for their input.

According to the lawsuit, Emilio Garcia started working as a personal cameraman for Megan Thee Stallion, whose real name is Megan Pete, in 2018. He initially took on this role alongside other commitments but decided to leave his job in 2019 to focus solely on working with the Grammy winning artist. Garcia continued to work for Megan until June 2023, as stated in the lawsuit.


In the lawsuit, Emilio Garcia mentioned that he accompanied Megan to Ibiza, Spain, in June 2022. During their time there, after a night out, Garcia found himself in an SUV with Megan and three other women.

It was during this journey that Megan and one of the women initiated sexual activity next to him while the vehicle was in motion.

In an interview, Emilio Garcia expressed his discomfort about the incident, stating, “I felt uncomfortable. I was kind of frozen, and I was shocked. At kind of just be the overall audacity to do this right, right beside me.” Garcia’s remarks reflect his surprise and unease at witnessing the intimate act taking place in such close proximity to him.

According to the lawsuit, the day after the incident, Megan Thee Stallion directly addressed Emilio Garcia. She inquired whether he was present in the car with them the previous night.


When Garcia confirmed that he was indeed there, Megan allegedly responded by instructing him, “Don’t ever discuss what you saw.” This exchange, as described in the suit, suggests that Megan wanted to ensure that Garcia kept the events of the previous night confidential.

In his lawsuit, Emilio Garcia stated that during the same trip to Ibiza, Megan Thee Stallion directed hurtful fat shaming remarks towards him. He alleges that Megan called him a “fat bitch” and instructed him to “spit your food out” while also saying, “you don’t need to be eating.” These comments, as described in the suit, depict instances where Garcia felt belittled and demeaned by Megan’s words.

In an interview, Emilio Garcia expressed his feelings about the situation, saying, “To hear someone who advocates about loving your body tell me these things, I felt degraded.”

Garcia shared his sense of disappointment and hurt, emphasizing the contradiction between Megan’s public stance on body positivity and her alleged behavior towards him.


According to the lawsuit, when Emilio Garcia and Megan Thee Stallion returned from their trip, Garcia’s compensation method underwent a significant alteration. Previously, he had been receiving a fixed monthly payment for his services.

However, after their return, his payment structure changed to a system. Where he will be pay per task. This new arrangement required Garcia to submit invoices for each assignment he completed.

In his lawsuit, Emilio Garcia stated that despite the change in his pay structure. He was still expected to deliver the same level of service as before.

However, he alleges that following the Ibiza trip, he noticed a shift in how he was treated. There was a decrease in the number of bookings Megan Thee Stallion hired him for. Garcia claims that despite his continued provision of services. He faced discrimination in terms of the opportunities he was given to work with Megan.


According to the lawsuit, Emilio Garcia started contemplating leaving his job due to Megan’s “possessiveness” and the insufficient pay for the extensive time he dedicated to his duties. The suit also highlights a decrease in bookings as a contributing factor to Garcia’s consideration of resignation.

In essence, Garcia felt that Megan’s demanding nature, coupled with inadequate compensation. Also dwindling work opportunities, made his job increasingly untenable.

As per the lawsuit, Emilio Garcia still slated for a job in June 2023. Despite his growing dissatisfaction with his working conditions. However, the night before the scheduled job, representatives from Roc Nation.

Megan Thee Stallion’s management company, inform to Garcia that his services would no longer be need by Megan. This sudden notification, as details in the lawsuit, indicates that Garcia was unexpectedly remove from the job without prior warning or explanation.


The lawsuit stated that during his time working for Megan Thee Stallion. Emilio Garcia faced a constant stream of sexual and fat shaming comments. These remarks, as described in the suit, subjected Garcia to significant emotional distress.

Megan Thee Stallion at the Pre-GRAMMY Gala held at The Beverly Hilton on Feb. 3, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. Gilbert Flores for Billboard.
Megan Thee Stallion at the Pre-GRAMMY Gala held at The Beverly Hilton on Feb. 3, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. Gilbert Flores for Billboard.

The use of the term “barrage” emphasizes the relentless nature of the comments. Highlighting the continuous and overwhelming impact they had on Garcia’s well being.

In an interview, Emilio Garcia shared his perspective, saying, “What I learned throughout the years is that. Especially coming from an office environment, is you know, there’s no HR department in the entertainment business.” Garcia highlighted the absence of a formal Human Resources department in the entertainment industry. Which can make it challenging for individuals to address workplace issues.

He continued, “So if you don’t know that you done wrong. You don’t really know how to advocate for yourself until you start asking maybe you start asking your peers. Who have representation, they have agents, they have management, they have attorney.” Here, Garcia emphasized the importance of seeking guidance and support from colleagues who may have more experience. It is navigating the complexities of the entertainment industry, including access to professional representation such as agents, managers, and attorneys.

He concluded, “So I just really just want to encourage people to advocate for themselves.” Garcia’s final remark underscores his encouragement for individuals to assert themselves. And speak up about any mistreatment or unfairness they may encounter in their professional endeavors.


As outlined in the lawsuit, the purported behavior inflicted by Megan Thee Stallion resulted in several adverse outcomes for Emilio Garcia. These included a decline in earnings and the loss of other employment benefits. Additionally, Garcia claims to have suffered physical injuries, physical sickness, and emotional distress as a direct consequence of the alleged actions.

The mention of physical injuries and sickness suggests that Garcia experienced tangible harm to his well being. It is potentially stemming from the stressful and emotionally taxing nature of the situation. The emotional distress mentioned underscores the significant impact the alleged behavior had on Garcia’s mental health and overall state of mind.

Together, these factors paint a picture of the comprehensive toll taken on Garcia as a result of the events described in the lawsuit.

According to the lawsuit, during his time working for the entertainer. Emilio Garcia did not have access to basic insurance coverage. As a result, he was unable to obtain the necessary medical care he needed. Now, Garcia contends with increasing anxiety, depression, and physical discomfort as a consequence of the toxic work environment he experienced.


The absence of basic insurance coverage highlights the lack of support Garcia had in addressing his healthcare needs while employed by the entertainer. This limitation likely exacerbated his physical and mental health challenges, contributing to his mounting anxiety, depression, and physical distress. Overall, the lawsuit paints a picture of the significant impact that the alleged toxic work environment had on Garcia’s overall well-being.

Ron Zambrano, an attorney representing Emilio Garcia, issued a statement to NBC News, stating, “Megan just needs to pay our client what he’s due, own up to her behavior and quit this sort of sexual harassment and fat shaming conduct.” Zambrano emphasized the need for Megan Thee Stallion to take responsibility for her actions. And address the allegations of sexual harassment and fat-shaming raised by Garcia.

Emilio should never have been put in a position of have to be in the vehicle with her. While she has sex with another woman,” Zambrano continue. He described the incident as highly inappropriate and stressed the severity of the situation. Zambrano went on to assert, “‘Inappropriate’ is putting it lightly.

Exposing this behavior to employees is definitely illegal.” This statement underscores the attorney’s stance that the alleged behavior not only violated professional boundaries but also potentially breached legal standards regarding workplace conduct.


In Garcia’s lawsuit, there are also claims of alleged employment and wage violations. It is related to how he categorized as an independent contractor. These violations revolve around the classification of Garcia’s employment status.

Essentially, the lawsuit suggests that Garcia may have misclassify as an independent contractor instead of treated as a regular employee. This misclassification could have implications for Garcia’s rights and entitlements under employment law, including wage and hour regulations, benefits, and other protections typically afforded to employees.

By highlighting these alleged violations, the lawsuit raises concerns about whether Garcia received fair treatment and adequate compensation in accordance with employment standards. It suggests that the classification of Garcia as an independent contractor may have disadvantaged him in terms of his working conditions and remuneration.

According to the lawsuit, Megan Thee Stallion allegedly prohibited Emilio Garcia from working for any other entities while employed by her. Additionally, Garcia claims that he was denied overtime pay and breaks during his tenure with the rapper.


Moreover, the lawsuit asserts that Garcia’s misclassification as an independent contractor had significant consequences. Specifically, it left him without basic insurance coverage, depriving him of essential healthcare. This lack of insurance coverage prevented Garcia from accessing necessary medical care and contributed to his overall distress and hardship.

In an interview with NBC News, Emilio Garcia disclosed that he is pursuing a compensation amount exceeding six figures through the lawsuit. The suit aims to recover various forms of unpaid compensation and benefits owed to him during his employment with Megan Thee Stallion.

Specifically, Garcia seeks reimbursement for unpaid wages. It is including interest on the overdue payments. As well as unpaid overtime wages and other employee benefits that he alleges withheld from him. These claims made in accordance with California labor laws. Which mandate fair compensation and treatment of employees.

Furthermore, Garcia’s lawsuit requests statutory penalties and wage penalties as permitted under California labor regulations. Additionally, he is seeking punitive damages based on the severity of the alleged misconduct and the impact it had on him. Lastly, Garcia intends to recover costs incurred throughout the legal proceedings, including attorneys’ fees.

