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Celtics and Bucks Break NBA Record, a Zero Free Throws, Zilch Fouls Called



Celtics edge Bucks missed free throw

Tuesday night’s match between the Milwaukee Bucks and the Boston Celtics saw something wild a measly zero free throws attempts for the entire game. And get this, the Celtics made NBA history by not even taking a single shot from the line.

The lone ranger in the free throw department was Milwaukee’s Giannis Antetokounmpo, who stepped up to the line just once, sinking one out of two with only 19 ticks left in the first quarter. And that was it! No more freebies for anyone else the entire game.

The Bucks snagged the win with a score of 104-91, but man, what a bizarre stat line with those free throws. It’s like they were playing a whole different game out there.

Bucks coach Doc Rivers joked, “Adam Silver must be thrilled. A game done in less than two hours? That’s like NBA on turbo mode. You could watch the game, grab dinner, and still have time for a movie night. It’s pretty incredible.


Rivers admitted he didn’t even notice the scarcity of free throws until after the game had wrapped up. I was thinking it was a rough and tumble game out there, he confessed. I didn’t even check the clock. But then it hit me like a ton of bricks only two free throws in the whole game? It goes to show, even the pros can be caught off guard by some wild stats.

So, before this historic game, the Memphis Grizzlies and Atlanta Hawks held the record for the fewest free throws attempted in a single game, with just one measly attempt. But leave it to the Bucks and Celtics to top that! The Bucks, believe it or not, only committed four fouls throughout the entire game. That’s like they were playing with kid gloves on or something.

And get this, the grand total of two free throw attempts by both teams. That’s like breaking the record by a mile. Before this, the record was a whopping 11 attempts combined, set back in November 2019. It’s like they were allergic to free throws or something.

Fewest FTAs in NBA History:

2024 TueCeltics0Bucks
2024 TueBucks2Celtics
In NBA history fewest game.
The NBA's bizarre free throw drought continues.
Final scores in the 70s. Teams are going entire halves without free throws.

So, Jayson Tatum from the Celtics chimed in on the whole low free throw thing, saying it might just be a warm-up for the playoffs. You know, like a taste of what’s to come when the refs start letting more stuff slide. It’s all about getting us prepped for that intense playoff ball.

But what really caught people off guard was that this record-breaking game was between the Bucks and Celtics. I mean, you’ve got Giannis Antetokounmpo, who’s basically a free throw machine, leading the league with a crazy 780 attempts before this game. And let’s not forget about Milwaukee’s Damian Lillard and Boston’s Tatum, sitting pretty high up on that list too.


As for the refs overseeing the whole shebang, you had Marc Davis, Ben Taylor, and Danielle Scott calling the shots. But according to Damian Lillard, it seems like the trend lately is fewer foul calls across the league. He mentioned how sometimes he feels like he’s getting hacked but nothing’s called, and other times he’s surprised when he doesn’t get called for a foul himself. It’s like they’re just letting the players do their thing out there.

And Lillard wasn’t alone in feeling the shift. He mentioned how he has fouled out a couple of times recently, which is rare for him. It’s like the game’s evolving, and you just gotta adapt to whatever’s happening on the court. And hey, in Tuesday’s game, it felt like there were hardly any whistles blowing at all.
