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French Icon Gérard Depardieu Faces Legal Scrutiny Amid Sexual Assault Allegations



Gérard Depardieu.

Renowned 75-year-old actor Gérard Depardieu, known for his roles in over 200 films and TV series. Who faced a significant setback in 2020 when he was charged with rape. Last autumn, as accusations of sexual harassment and assault continued to mount against him. He was compelled to pause his illustrious career. Now, amid ongoing legal scrutiny, Depardieu’s future in the entertainment industry hangs in the balance.

French authorities took action on Monday, detaining screen icon Gerard Depardieu for questioning. This move came after two women came forward, alleging sexual assault against the actor. According to a source familiar with the case, the police are actively investigating the accusations against Depardieu.

Police intended to question Depardieu regarding allegations from two women accusing him of assault. One incident allegedly occurred on a film set in 2021. While the other accusation dates back to a shoot in 2014.

A police source confirmed this information, echoing a report by BFMTV television channel.


The actor’s legal representatives, Christian Saint Palais and Beatrice Geissmann Achille, did not respond immediately to a request from AFP seeking comment.

The first woman alleges that Depardieu assaulted her. While she was working as a crew member on the 2022 feature film titled “The Green Shutters”.

The set designer, who took the step of filing a formal complaint in February. Bravely shared her account with the investigative website Mediapart. According to her testimony, Depardieu allegedly grabbed her as she was exiting the set. Which was located within a private hotel in Paris.

This revelation adds weight to the accusations against the actor and underscores the seriousness of the allegations being brought forth.


The woman detailed her disturbing encounter, claiming that Depardieu allegedly groped her waist and stomach. Eventually reaching her breasts, all while making lewd and inappropriate remarks. The situation escalated to the point where Depardieu’s own bodyguards had to intervene and remove him from the scene.

However, the woman’s lawyer, Carine Durrieu-Diebolt, opted not to disclose additional information when approached by AFP. This reluctance to elaborate further hints at the sensitivity and complexity of the ongoing investigation surrounding the allegations against the actor.

The second woman has come forward with disturbing allegations against Depardieu, claiming that he groped her inappropriately. And made lewd remarks during her time as an assistant on the set of the 2015 film “Le Magicien et le Siamois” (“The Magician and the Siamese”).

According to her account shared with regional newspaper Le Courrier de l’Ouest, Depardieu’s alleged misconduct extended to unwanted physical contact. Describing it as him touching her “all over.” The woman’s brave decision to speak out sheds light on yet another troubling incident involving the actor. Which underscoring the seriousness of the allegations. As the investigation unfolds, the public awaits further developments in this distressing matter.


Depardieu is currently grappling with a rape charge and multiple allegations of assault leveled against him by over a dozen women. Despite the mounting accusations, the actor vehemently denies any wrongdoing. In a statement published in Le Figaro newspaper in October, Depardieu adamantly asserted his innocence, declaring, “Never ever have I abused a woman.” This assertion underscores his steadfast denial of the allegations. His determination to defend his reputation amidst the ongoing legal proceedings.

As the legal saga unfolds, Depardieu’s steadfast denial contrasts sharply with the serious accusations brought against him. Which leaving the public to await further developments in this complex and contentious case.

In 2020, police formally charged Depardieu with rape and sexual assault following accusations made by actor Charlotte Arnould. Arnould alleged that Depardieu raped her in 2018 when she was just 22 years old and struggling with anorexia. This accusation marked a significant development in the legal saga surrounding the actor. Adding weight to the already substantial list of allegations against him.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, another sexual assault complaint emerged last year, this time from actor Helene Darras. Darras claimed that Depardieu had groped her and made inappropriate advances during a film shoot back in 2007. However, this particular complaint was dropped due to exceeding the statute of limitations. Which presenting a legal hurdle in pursuing justice for Darras’s allegations.


These legal proceedings shed light on the multifaceted nature of the accusations against Depardieu. With each allegation bringing its own set of challenges and complexities. As the legal process unfolds, the public remains attentive to developments in this ongoing and contentious case.

In December, Spanish journalist and author Ruth Baza made headlines by disclosing that she had filed a criminal complaint in Spain against Depardieu. Baza’s accusation dates back to 1995 in Paris, where she alleges that Depardieu raped her. Despite the passage of time, rendering the events beyond the statute of limitations. Baza made the courageous decision to come forward with her complaint.

Her motivation, she stated, was to encourage and empower others who may have experienced similar incidents to speak out. By taking this step, Baza aimed to shed light on the issue of sexual assault and provide support to others who might be grappling with similar experiences. While her legal action may not lead to direct consequences for Depardieu due to the statute of limitations. It serves as a symbolic gesture of solidarity and advocacy for survivors of sexual violence.

Anouk Grinberg, an actor who worked alongside Depardieu on “The Green Shutters,” has opened up about her experiences on set, painting a troubling picture of the actor’s behavior.


Grinberg revealed that she and others were subjected to what she described as Depardieu’s constant lewd and inappropriate remarks, which persisted from morning till night. Her testimony sheds light on the challenging working environment that she and her colleagues endured during the filming process.

In a statement to AFP, Grinberg expressed her candid opinion, stating, “When film producers hire Depardieu on a film. They know they are hiring an aggressor.” This assertion underscores the seriousness of the allegations against Depardieu. And suggests a broader pattern of behavior that extends beyond individual incidents.

Grinberg’s willingness to speak out adds a significant voice to the chorus of individuals shedding light on the actor’s alleged misconduct.

These revelations serve as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing workplace harassment and abuse in the entertainment industry. As the investigation into Depardieu’s actions continues, Grinberg’s account contributes to a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those working in the film industry and the need for accountability and change.


Grinberg disclosed that the producers of “The Green Shutters” purportedly designated someone to address harassment issues on set, but she claimed that this individual failed to take any action. This revelation highlights a concerning lack of response to allegations of misconduct within the film industry, despite purported measures being in place to address such issues.

Her statement comes amidst a broader reckoning within French cinema, as allegations of sexism and sexual abuse have emerged in recent months. Critics argue that the industry has historically turned a blind eye to such behavior, allowing it to persist unchecked for decades.

This scrutiny has prompted calls for systemic change and greater accountability within the arts, challenging long standing norms that have enabled abuse to flourish.

Grinberg‘s assertion underscores the urgent need for the industry to confront these issues head-on and implement meaningful measures to ensure the safety and well being of all individuals working within it.


As the conversation around harassment and abuse in French cinema continues to unfold, Grinberg’s account serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of fostering a culture of accountability and respect within the entertainment industry.
