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CNN Political Commentator and Harvard Institute Board Member Alice Stewart Dies at 58



Alice Stewart died.

Alice Stewart, a seasoned political adviser and CNN commentator who worked on multiple Republican presidential campaigns, has passed away at the age of 58.

Police told CNN that Alice Stewart’s body found outside in the Belle View neighborhood in northern Virginia early Saturday morning. They do not suspect any foul play and believe she experienced a medical emergency.

Alice was a very dear friend and colleague to all of us at CNN, said Mark Thompson, the network’s CEO, in an email to staff on Saturday.

“She was a political veteran and an Emmy Award-winning journalist who brought an incomparable spark to CNN’s coverage. She known across our offices not only for her political expertise but also for her unwavering kindness.


Our hearts are heavy as we mourn such an extraordinary loss.”

Alice Stewart
Alice Stewart

Alice Stewart was born on March 11, 1966, in Atlanta. She began her career as a local reporter and producer in Georgia. Later, she moved to Little Rock, Arkansas, to work as a news anchor, she told the Harvard International Review.

Alice then served as the communications director for Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. She continued in this role during his presidential campaign in 2008.

Alice Stewart also worked as the communications director for the 2012 Republican presidential campaigns of former Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who was also a former CNN commentator.

Most recently, she was the communications director for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 GOP presidential campaign.


Alice was wonderful, talented, and a dear friend,” Cruz said in a post on X. “She lived every day to the fullest, and she will deeply missed.

CNN hired Alice Stewart as a political commentator before the 2016 election. She frequently appeared on air to provide insights on political news. She was on “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer” as recently as Friday.

We always invited her to come on my show because we knew we would be a little bit smarter at the end of that conversation,” Blitzer told Jessica Dean on “CNN Newsroom.

She helped our viewers better understand what was going on, and that’s why we will miss her so much, he added.


Dana Bash, CNN anchor and chief political correspondent, had known Alice Stewart for almost two decades. They first met when Stewart worked for the Huckabee campaign.

Bash remembered Stewart as someone who was straightforward and honest. “One of the many reasons why she was so valuable to us on our political panels… is because she brought that experience,” Bash added.

Stewart’s deep understanding of Republican politics and campaigns made her an asset to CNN’s political coverage. Despite her expertise, she always maintained a friendly demeanor and approached her work with a smile.

Officials believe Stewart suffered a medical episode, according to CNN.
Officials believe Stewart suffered a medical episode, according to CNN.

In a 2020 interview with the Harvard Political Review, Alice Stewart discussed her role as a commentator for CNN. She highlighted that she offered a perspective that CNN valued.

Stewart described her position at CNN as being a conservative voice while also being an independent thinker. She emphasized that she did not blindly support any party or politician.


I’m not a Kool-Aid drinker, Stewart stated, indicating she didn’t unquestionably follow any political ideology. She also clarified that she wasn’t a “never-Trumper,” indicating she wasn’t categorically opposed to former President Trump.

Stewart emphasized that despite her political leanings, she maintained her common sense and decency, which guided her actions and opinions.

Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson fondly recalled Alice Stewart as someone who believed in the importance of building friendships in politics rather than fostering animosity.

Hutchinson shared with CNN that Stewart was among the first to reach out and offer encouragement after he suspended his presidential campaign earlier in the year. They had recently discussed the current state of politics, with Stewart expressing concern about the existing turmoil.


She was trying to change that, and we’ll miss her, Hutchinson added, highlighting Stewart’s commitment to improving the political landscape.

Alice Stewart served as a co-host of the podcast “Hot Mics From Left to Right,” alongside fellow CNN commentator Maria Cardona.

Expressing her disbelief and sorrow, Cardona shared on “CNN Newsroom” that she and Stewart had plans to record an episode of their podcast on Saturday.

Cardona emphasized Stewart’s exceptional character, particularly in an industry where politics can often be characterized by indecency and hostility. She described Stewart as a loving and radiant presence, highlighting her positive impact in an environment that can sometimes be negative.


In addition to her professional endeavors, Alice Stewart contributed to the Institute of Politics at Harvard University’s Kennedy School. She served on the senior advisory committee and had previously been a fellow at the institute.

Outside of her work and commitments, Stewart enjoyed running as a hobby. She was an enthusiastic runner who often shared photos from various road races on social media platforms.

Among her notable running achievements were participating in the TCS New York City Marathon in November and the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile race just last month. These races showcased her dedication to fitness and her active lifestyle beyond her professional engagements.

