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Nvidia’s Stock Split Mania: Here’s Why It is a Game Changer



Nvidia Building

Nvidia’s stock split is currently a hot topic especially in the world of finance. The major AI chip company announced the stock split during its earning report last month and it officially took effect on June 7. Starting today Nvidia’s shares traded at their new adjusted price after the split.

Investors have been waiting for Nvidia’s stock split especially as the company’s stock price surged the past year. When Nvidia finally announced the split, its stock price, which was around $950, quickly jumped to $1,000.

This graph is showing Nvidia stock split.
This graph is showing Nvidia stock split.

This announcement generated a lot of excitement even stock splits do not usually improve stock performance. So why did everyone so interested in Nvidia’s stock split? Let’s explore the reasons behind the buzz.

Breaking the Details of Nvidia’s Stock Split:

First quickly explain what a stock split is. In a stock split a company issues more shares to its existing shareholders without changing the overall value of the company or the total value of an investor holdings. The main effect is that the price of each individual share becomes lower.

The split ratio determines the price change and in Nvidia’s case it’s a 10 for 1 split. This means that if you owned one share of Nvidia before the split. So you have a total of 10 shares after the split and the price per share adjusted accordingly. With Nvidia’s stock price last week, the new price should be approximately $122 per share.


As I mentioned earlier stock splits are essentially just administrative changes and do not impact a company’s fundamentals or stock performance. However there are still two reasons why Nvidia’s split garnered so much attention. Let it delve into why this Nvidia stock split currently in the spotlight.

Firstly by reducing the price of each share Nvidia is making its stock more accessible to a wider range of investors. Nvidia stated that the reasons for the split were to facilitate easier purchase of the stock for both employees and investors.

For some investors the $1,000 per share mark like a psychological barrier. Even if the stock considered reasonably priced based on its valuation. As potential investors might feel reluctant to buy in at such a high price point.

Additionally some investors use brokerages that do not offer fractional shares which have meaning they can only buy whole shares. For these investors the price of $900 or $1,000 per share could beyond their budget further limited their ability to invest in Nvidia.


However these issues resolved with the introduction of a stock split, as it lowers the price of each share to a level that more people can afford. This change benefits both the company and investors who interested in starting with a small investment in Nvidia.

A Confident Move with Broader Benefits:

Investors are also enthusiastic about Nvidia’s split because it reflects the company confidence in the future. When a company decides to split its stock, it typically indicates that the company performed well in the past.

The stock price risen to a significant level due to factors like strong earnings growth. Which instills confidence in the company’s prospects moving forward.

If Nvidia chooses to split its stock, it signals the company’s belief in future growth opportunities. Nvidia likely has confidence that its stock can continue to rise to new heights. Which supported by the strong demand for its AI products and services.


The company has consistently reported impressive revenue gains, reaching record levels in the most recent quarter with revenue soaring to $26 billion. Nvidia acknowledges that demand for its chips and platforms surpasses supply. It anticipates this trend to persist as it strives to meet the increasing number of orders.

All of this indicates that there’s good reason to share Nvidia’s confidence in future earnings growth and potentially in the performance of its shares. While a stock split is essentially a procedural action. This decision serves as a positive signal for Nvidia and its shareholders. That’s why it became such a hot topic of discussion.
