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Uncovering the Truth, Insights into Mica Miller’s Death



Community members gathered at a memorial service for Mica Miller held in North Myrtle Beach.

An investigation is currently underway concerning the death of a woman(Mica Miller) from Myrtle Beach. She discovered deceased last weekend in Robeson County.

The woman’s name is Mica Miller. She found dead in Robeson County, which is located in North Carolina. Mica Miller’s death has prompted officials to launch an investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding her passing. Also a tragic death has been happened in USA today.

In a recent development, the Sports Groovy Officials have sought information from the Horry County Police Department. Which regarding an incident involving 30-year-old Mica Miller, who identified as the victim.

According to reports, the Horry County Police Department (HCPD) promptly responded to this request by furnishing two reports dated March 11th.


According to the documents provided by the Horry County Police Department. Mica Miller reported to the police that someone had put a razor blade in her tire. While she was at the Spring maid Pier. She said it wasn’t the first time this had happened – in fact. It was the second time within that same week.

Miller explained that as she was leaving the pier, she heard a “pop” sound, and upon inspection. She saw metal sticking out from her tire. The responding officer determined that the metal object a type of device meant to deflate tires. Which can apparently purchased online.

This incident, as described by Miller and documented in the police reports. Which indicates a deliberate attempt to harm her or cause damage to her vehicle. It’s concerning that such incidents are happening repeatedly. It emphasizes the importance of thorough investigation and possible preventative measures to ensure the safety of individuals in the community.

Mica Miller has been died on 27 April 2024.
Mica Miller has been died on 27 April 2024.

According to the documents from the Horry County Police Department, Mica Miller suspected that a certain individual. Whose name redacted in the report. It might placed or arranged for the item placed on her tire. The report didn’t reveal the name of this suspect.

Miller expressed concerns about what she described as “strange activity” happening around her and felt like she followed or watched by people. She informed the police that she believed the unnamed suspect had a history of similar actions against her.


This information suggests that Miller was experiencing a pattern of harassment or targeted actions by someone she knew or had encountered before. It’s a troubling situation that indicates potential threats to her safety and well being. The police will likely need to conduct further investigation to identify and address the source of these concerns. It is ensuring Miller’s security and peace of mind.

Following their investigation, the police stated that the evidence they gathered wasn’t strong. It was enough to prove that the suspect named by Miller had placed the razor device under her tire.

Later on the same morning of the incident, another police officer responded to a call at the East Coast Honda dealership. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with Miller, who informed them that after another officer had assisted her in changing her tire. She proceeded to a nearby gas station. From there, she went directly to the Honda dealership to have her tire repaired.

After Miller left the gas station to head back to East Coast Honda, she encountered the suspect again. She recounted to the police that while she was at the gas station. The suspect pulled up next to her pump and attempted to engage her in conversation.


Miller made it clear she didn’t want to talk to him and asked him to leave her alone, as detailed in the report. Feeling uneasy, she took out her phone to record the interaction. Allegedly, as soon as the suspect saw her recording, he quickly drove away from the scene.

Despite this unsettling encounter, Miller proceeded back to East Coast Honda to continue addressing her tire issue. However, her unease escalated when the suspect unexpectedly showed up at the Honda dealership as well, according to Miller’s account to the police.

The police, in their assessment, stated that the evidence collected. Thus far wasn’t enough to definitively link the suspect to the placement of the razor device under Miller’s tire.

While an officer was accompanying Miller, she received a call from a number marked as “no caller ID.” The officer observed and documented this in their report. It was noting that it turned out to be the suspect attempting to contact Miller.


Upon answering the call, the officer conveyed to the suspect that Miller did not wish to have any further contact with him. The officer also made it clear that if the suspect continued attempting to contact Miller against her wishes. The warrants might be issued against him.

The police stated that the suspect acknowledged this advisory during the call.

During the interaction with the officer, Miller expressed her fear, stating that she was “afraid for her life.” Additionally, she informed the officer that despite blocking the suspect’s number, she continued to receive calls and texts from him using different numbers.

Following the officer’s departure, Miller reached out to him again to report a concerning discovery. She informed the officer that the mechanics at East Coast Honda had found a tracking device attached to her vehicle. This revelation adds another layer of concern to the situation, indicating possible surveillance or monitoring of Miller’s movements.


About an hour later, Miller contacted the officer again, this time to inform them that she was at the Magistrate’s office to file for a restraining order. Upon hearing this, the officer requested to meet her in order to retrieve the GPS device that had been found on her vehicle. Miller agreed to the meeting.

While they were outside the Magistrate’s office together, the officer observed a white Honda Accord passing by at a slow speed. Miller identified the driver of the vehicle as the suspect, claiming that he was in her car.

As soon as Miller made this identification, the white Honda Accord accelerated and drove away from the scene. This incident was documented in the police report as well.

Last Thursday, the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office announced the initiation of an investigation at Lumber River State Park, where Mica Miller passed away, aiming to determine the cause of her death.


Mica’s husband, John-Paul Miller, who serves as a pastor at Solid Rock Church in Market Common, stated in an interview with ABC15 last week that Mica’s death was a suicide. However, law enforcement has yet to officially confirm the cause of her death. Despite John-Paul Miller’s assertion, friends and family members have expressed disagreement, urging authorities to thoroughly examine the circumstances surrounding Mica’s passing.

Court documents indicate ongoing divorce proceedings between Mica and John-Paul Miller, further adding complexity to the situation.

Protest for Justice:

On Sunday, friends and family of Mica Miller gathered for a rally outside the Solid Rock Church in Myrtle Beach, where they called for justice in her name. Simultaneously, Mica’s family held a memorial service to honor her memory. Interestingly, at the same time, another memorial service, hosted by Mica’s estranged husband, took place at the Solid Rock Church.

Over a hundred people attended the rally outside the church, showing their support for Mica and her family. One attendee expressed their motivation for attending, stating, “I came out today to support her, to support her family, to support her story because her story is important and it needs to be heard.”


News reached out to John-Paul Miller’s church for comment, but they declined, stating that it was not a suitable time for him to be interviewed.
