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Dan Rather Left CBS News At Age of 92



Dan Rather breaking a news in the right side on CBS evening News.

Nearly Two Decades On, Dan Rather Recounts Departure from CBS News Anchor Desk.

Almost 20 years have passed since Dan Rather bid farewell to his role at the CBS News anchor desk. Back in the day, he was one of the trio of esteemed TV anchormen, dubbed the “Big Three,” captivating an audience of approximately 50 million viewers nightly. Among them, Rather held the reins the longest, steering the news ship for nearly a quarter century.

It could be said, that he retired from his career. Same as another personality retired today in USA.

During his 44-year tenure with CBS, Dan Rather took on every role imaginable for a network reporter: bureau chief, war correspondent, foreign correspondent, and White House correspondent. He navigated through the ranks, embracing each position with dedication and skill, showcasing his versatility and commitment to delivering the news.


In 2006, just over a year following his departure from the anchor desk, Dan Rather parted ways with CBS itself. Reflecting on this transition, Rather expressed how deeply intertwined his identity had become with CBS News. For decades, his name and the network had been synonymous, forming an integral part of his professional persona.

This marks Dan Rather’s inaugural return to the network since his departure, and he doesn’t hold back his sentiment. He candidly admits, ‘Without apology or explanation, I miss CBS. I’ve missed it since the day I left there.’ His words resonate with a deep sense of nostalgia and longing, highlighting the profound connection he maintains with the network where he spent a significant portion of his illustrious career.

Even at the age of 92, the circumstances surrounding his departure still evoke a sense of pain for Dan Rather. He reflects on this, emphasizing, ‘In the heart of every true reporter, there’s a fundamental truth: real news is what somebody somewhere especially someone in a position of power doesn’t want you to know.

Dan Rather.
Dan Rather.

That, my friend, is what constitutes news.’ These words encapsulate Rather’s unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth, even when it may lead to challenging or uncomfortable situations.

In 2004, Dan Rather contributed to a report for ’60 Minutes II’ that raised questions about George W. Bush’s service record in the Texas Air National Guard. The report claimed to unveil ‘new documents and new information’ regarding the president’s military service. However, the authenticity of the documents upon which Rather and his producer relied for their reporting later came into question and could not be verified.


On September 20, 2004, Dan Rather delivered a public apology during a broadcast. “It was a mistake,” he acknowledged solemnly. “CBS News deeply regrets it. Also, I want to say, personally and directly, I’m sorry.” With these words, Rather took accountability for the error, expressing regret both on behalf of CBS News and personally for any harm caused by the inaccuracies in the report.

When questioned if that incident marked his lowest point, Dan Rather didn’t hesitate to affirm, “Of course, it was the lowest point.” He continued, reflecting on his dedication to CBS News, stating, “I gave CBS News everything I had. They had smarter, better, more talented people, but they didn’t have anybody who worked any harder than I did.”

In these words, Rather not only acknowledges the depth of his disappointment but also underscores his unwavering commitment to his craft and his tireless efforts in service of the network.

During my early years at CBS, Dan Rather graciously and unexpectedly became my mentor. Despite his iconic suspenders and love for cigars, he remains unchanged from my memories. A deeply curious, thoughtful, well read skeptic, always hungry for the next big story.


Under his wing, I felt genuinely welcomed and valued. His passion for journalism was palpable, as he tirelessly pursued the truth, ready to hit the pavement and chase down the latest headline at a moment’s notice.

When asked about his initial motivation to become a reporter, Dan Rather confessed, “I’ve never quite known the answer to that question. All I know is, it’s the only thing I ever wanted to be, was a reporter.

I get up every morning and as soon as my feet hit the ground, I say, where’s the story?” With this candid response, Rather encapsulates his lifelong passion for journalism, admitting that the drive to uncover stories has always been an innate part of who he is.

Each day, fueled by curiosity and dedication, he eagerly seeks out the next narrative waiting to be told.


Following his departure from CBS, Dan Rather embarked on a new chapter, reporting from various corners of the globe through his own news broadcasts. In addition to his on screen endeavors, he authored books and emerged as a prominent voice in presidential politics, sought after for his insightful commentary.

Embracing the digital age, Rather found a fresh audience among younger generations through social media platforms. Reflecting on his adaptability, he remarked, “You either get engaged and you get engaged on the new terms, or you’re out of the game.

Dan Rather in Tiananmen Square, 1989.
Dan Rather in Tiananmen Square, 1989.

I wanted to stay in the game.” With this sentiment, Rather underscores his commitment to remaining relevant and active in the ever evolving landscape of journalism.

Interviewer: Dan Rather, you recently took to social media to express frustration with how the press covers politics today. Can you elaborate on your concerns?

Dan Rather: Absolutely. You see, as democracy faces ongoing challenges, it’s disheartening to observe the current state of political coverage in the media. There’s a sense of frustration because I believe there are valuable lessons we should remember. Particularly from my experiences during the Nixon era as a correspondent for CBS News.


Interviewer: Could you share some of those lessons with us?

Dan Rather: Certainly. During the Nixon years, we faced a presidency mired in controversy and deceit. As journalists, we understood the importance of holding those in power accountable, of relentlessly pursuing the truth even when faced with resistance. It was a time when investigative journalism played a crucial role in uncovering wrongdoing and informing the public.

Interviewer: How do you perceive the role of the press in today’s political climate?

Dan Rather: Today, the landscape has shifted significantly. While there are still dedicated journalists committed to upholding the principles of truth and integrity. There are also challenges we didn’t face in the past. The proliferation of misinformation and the blurring of lines between news and opinion have complicated the media landscape. In this environment, it’s essential for journalists to remain steadfast in their commitment to factual reporting and holding power accountable.


Interviewer: What do you believe is needed to address these challenges and restore trust in the press?

Dan Rather: To regain trust, the press must rededicate itself to the principles of journalistic integrity. This means prioritizing accuracy, transparency, and accountability in all reporting. It also requires a willingness to confront bias and misinformation head-on, while actively engaging with audiences to foster a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Ultimately, it’s about reaffirming the essential role of a free and responsible press in safeguarding democracy.

Asked to rate where journalism is today, Rather … paused.

Dan Rather remarked, “Let the record show that I paused!” before sharing his thoughts. He praised today’s journalists, emphasizing their superior education and deeper understanding of global affairs. According to Rather, they are committed to ethical reporting and strive to do their utmost.


Rather acknowledged that he couldn’t replicate the legendary Walter Cronkite. Instead, he focused on being the best version of himself. However, this journey came with its costs, both professionally and personally.

Throughout his career, Dan Rather dedicated himself to providing context to the world, capturing the essence of history in his reporter’s notebook. He understands, perhaps better than anyone, that while he may lay the groundwork, it’s ultimately others who shape the final narrative a process he respects.

When reflecting on his legacy, Rather offers a humble perspective. He believes true legacy lies not in the accolades of one’s profession, but in the essence of who one is as a person. Asking profound questions about identity, purpose, and contribution, Rather emphasizes the importance of personal growth and impact beyond professional achievements. For him, the essence of legacy lies in the answers to these fundamental questions, rather than in the titles or positions held in the past.

Dan Rather’s ability to adapt to evolving platforms and methods stemmed from his unwavering passion for reporting. In an interview filmed at his Texas home, he emphasized the necessity of embracing change to remain relevant. “You either get engaged and you get engaged in the new terms or you’re out of the game.” He asserted, underscoring his determination to remain active in the field.


However, when reflecting on his legacy, Rather shifted focus away from his career achievements. Instead, he highlighted the enduring significance of personal relationships. “In the end, whatever remains of one’s life, family, friends. Those are going to be the things for which you’re remembered.” He concluded, emphasizing the importance of connections and the impact they leave behind.
