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Republican Support Grows to Oust Speaker Mike Johnson, His Position in Peril



Speaker Mike Johnson faces a significant threat to his job.

A third House Republican has joined the push to remove Speaker Mike Johnson, potentially tipping the scales against him. Without Democratic intervention, the move could spell the end of Johnson’s leadership.

Representative Paul Gosar from Arizona has joined Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia in supporting a “motion to vacate” Speaker Mike Johnson. If presented as a privileged resolution, this motion would require a vote within two legislative days to determine whether to remove Mike Johnson as speaker. A simple majority vote would determine the outcome.

Earlier this week, Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky joined the motion to vacate, aligning himself with Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar in seeking to remove Speaker Mike Johnson from his position. However, Massie has expressed reluctance to trigger a vote on the motion, preferring instead to advocate for Johnson’s resignation.

Speaker Johnson’s actions deeply displease the trio of Republicans, along with other hard-right members of the conference. Specifically, they anger over his decision to bring up votes related to providing aid for Ukraine. Particularly without attaching provisions for U.S. border security.


This move has intensified tensions within the Republican Party, reflecting broader divisions over foreign policy priorities and immigration issues. The rift between moderate and hard right factions threatens to disrupt the party’s unity and may have significant implications. These implications for future legislative agendas and leadership dynamics.

In a statement issued on Friday, Representative Paul Gosar emphasized the need for a Speaker. Who prioritizes America’s interests over succumbing to what he perceives as the undue influence of warmongers, neo conservatives, and the military industrial complex. Gosar expressed his concern regarding the Speaker’s decision making. Particularly regarding involvement in what he views as a costly and perpetual conflict occurring thousands of miles away.

By highlighting the perceived recklessness of supporting actions that benefit entities profiting from overseas wars. Gosar underscores his stance against further entanglement in foreign conflicts. He suggests that the Speaker’s decisions may not align with the best interests of the American people. Indicating a broader dissatisfaction within certain Republican circles regarding foreign policy priorities.

Gosar’s statement reflects a growing sentiment among some members of the GOP. Who advocate for a more restrained approach to foreign interventions and a focus on domestic issues. This ideological divide underscores the complexities within the party and the broader political landscape. With differing perspectives on America’s role in global affairs and the appropriate allocation of resources.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene posted this signature paper to her X account, as And now there are three. 

Thank you to 
 for cosponsoring my motion to vacate Speaker Johnson!
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene posted this signature paper to her X account, as And now there are three.
Thank you to
for cosponsoring my motion to vacate Speaker Johnson!

Should the motion to vacate be brought to the floor, the combined votes of Representatives Gosar, Greene, and Massie would suffice to oust Speaker Johnson, given unanimous Democratic opposition. However, there are indications that some Democrats may intervene to support Johnson. Nonetheless, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York clarified on Friday that any discussion about saving Johnson. The hinges on the condition that foreign aid bills pass in their entirety.

Jeffries’ statement underscores the significance of the foreign aid bills to Democratic priorities and potentially to Johnson’s political survival. It suggests a strategic maneuver where support for Johnson may be contingent upon advancing specific legislative agendas. It is highlighting the intricate dynamics at play within the House of Representatives.

This scenario highlights the interplay between partisan politics and legislative strategy. Where the fate of individual leaders can be influenced by broader policy objectives and negotiations. It also underscores the fluid nature of alliances. The complexities of coalition building within the House, where interests often intersect and diverge based on a myriad of factors.

The recent inclusion of a third Republican on the motion to vacate represents a significant setback for Speaker Johnson. With this addition, the momentum against Johnson intensifies, increasing the probability of his removal from power. However, the situation also presents a potential lifeline for Johnson in the form of Democratic support.

The scenario now revolves around two possible outcomes. Either Johnson is ousted from his position, propelled by the unified front of dissenting Republicans. He is rescued by Democrats who opt to intervene in his favor. While Democratic intervention might ostensibly save Johnson, it carries the risk of further undermining his authority within the Republican conference.


The dual dynamics at play underscore the precarious position in which Johnson finds himself. On one hand, he faces mounting opposition from within his own party, signaling a significant erosion of confidence in his leadership. On the other hand, reliance on Democratic support could potentially weaken his standing among fellow Republicans, exacerbating internal divisions and challenges to his leadership.

This development highlights the intricate balance of power and alliances within the House of Representatives. Where shifting loyalties and strategic calculations shape the trajectory of political outcomes. Johnson’s ability to navigate these complexities will ultimately determine his fate as Speaker and the stability of Republican leadership moving forward.

According to one Republican who backs Speaker Johnson, his time in power is essentially over, which they find regrettable. Another Republican indicated that Representative Greene has garnered enough support for the motion to vacate. This member believes that Democrats will likely come to Johnson’s aid, especially considering the structure of the aid packages, which has angered some conservative factions.

Representative Massie clarified that the goal behind joining the motion to vacate isn’t to trigger an immediate vote to oust Speaker Johnson. Instead, their aim is to demonstrate their collective strength and pressure Johnson into resigning voluntarily. This strategy is intended to prevent potential chaos on the House floor, where successive votes would be required to install a new speaker.


Massie explained to reporters that this approach would enable Republicans to convene privately and select a new leader before Johnson steps down from his position. By avoiding a public showdown, they hope to streamline the transition process and maintain a semblance of unity within the party.

Representative Massie elucidated that the overarching strategy has consistently revolved around urging Speaker Johnson to resign, following a model akin to former Speaker John Boehner’s departure. Massie likened Boehner’s resignation to “cleaning the barn” before stepping down, providing ample time for the selection of a successor.

Drawing parallels to a typical job resignation process, Massie emphasized the importance of giving notice. In this context, they seek a similar acknowledgment from Johnson, allowing for a smooth transition of leadership without leaving the House temporarily without a speaker. By advocating for Johnson to provide his resignation notice, they aim to ensure continuity and stability within the House leadership structure.

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